Международный Университет Фундаментального Обучения

Международный Парламент Безопасности и Мира





НА ОТКРЫТИЕ  № 044/31.077



Патентообладатель:  Гранд-Доктор философии в области биологии и медицины Постнов Сергей Евгеньевия (RU)

Автор: Постнов Сергей Евгеньевич (RU)

Гранд-доктор философии


Заявка № 044/31.077

Приоритет открытия 17 октября 2008 г. зарегистрирован

в Международном Институте Интеллектуальной Собственности (МИИС) при МУФО и Международном Парламенте Безопасности и Мира

24 мая 2013 г.

Срок действия патента истекает 31декабря 2033 г.


Директор МИИС  _________________




International University of Fundamental Studies

International Parliament for Safety and Peace


Author of the discovery: Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Biology and Medicine Postnov Sergey Evgenyevich, 140180, the RF, Moscow region, Zhukovsky, Levchenko street, 4, Apt. 30.

Date and place of birth: June, 16, 1955, Gorkovskaya region, Dzerzhinsk.

Nationality and Residence: the Russian Federation, Moscow region, Zhukovsky, Levchenko street, 4, Apt. 30.

An indication of science, which the discovery relates to: The discovery refers to Biology and Medicine, “Biophysics” section.

Name of discovery: The phenomenon of water condition in a living organism in a form of a boundary layer

Discovery date: October, 17, 2008

Description of the discovery:


  1. Introduction

Numerous experimental results indicate that water in a living organism by physical parameters is different from the water we drink [10]. Water in a cell is similar to a crystal, amorphous formation or mobile gel. For example, according to the professor’s D.Pollaka opinion [3,8] water in the cells is in special states: connected, but not as solid as  ice, and in free, but not as liquid, as water in a glass, but in a gel state. He proposed to characterize water in vivo a fourth state of water. There has not yet happened a scientific explanation for the formation of modified physical parameters of water in vivo. There also has not been given an explanation of the difference between these parameters in the cells of various organs or of the same organ, but healthy and oncologically sick [1].


The main point of the discovery is in determination of the facts that: the water in a living body can be only in a physical state of water of a boundary layer. This boundary layer is formed on the surfaces of biological objects which the water comes into contact with (cells’ membranes, blood vessels’ walls, erythrocytes, etc.).

On the one hand, it establishes an intrinsic link of the physical laws and processes that occur in a living and non-living matter, and on the other hand, establishes and explains the fundamental differences between the animate and inanimate world in terms of water conditions.

This discovery also allowed revealing the mechanism of the formation of a boundary layer of water in a living body as a result of which its physical characteristics are changed.

This discovery in the framework of classical science allows explaining the differences in the physical parameters of the water in a living organism and beyond. And also explaining the reason for the differences in the physical parameters of water in different organs. And also, for example, in the same body, but healthy and oncologically sick. It also allows you to understand why, for example, in some cases, biochemical processes in the body become prohibited.

On the basis of this discovery, a new direction in biomedical research and technology is formed: a methodology for active control of the biochemical processes, taking place in a living organism. This technology is based on the active management of the physical parameters of water, being components of its basis.

  1. Priority information


Discovery priority on October 17, 2008.


Materials on this discovery were published in [5], the article was received for editing on October 17, 2008.


  1. The main point of the discovery


The boundary layer – the flow area of ​​a viscous fluid (gas) that is formed near the surface of a streamlined solid body or the interface between two fluid flows with different motions, temperatures or a chemical composition. The boundary layer is characterized by a sharp change in the transverse direction of the motion or the temperature or the concentrations of separate chemical components. A boundary layer is present near the surface, contacted by the liquid, and by zero speed of fluid motion.


The boundary water – a term, offered by the author for description of the water in a living organism. It describes the water, forming the basis of its fluids, from the point of view of modified physical parameters. This term was offered, when it has been experimentally established that water in a living body is in the state of water of a boundary layer.


CAHI – FSUE Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky.


In 1984, a group of scientists of CAHI [6], studying the flow around bodies by water and air mixture, found out, that in a narrow strip of water, adjacent to the surface of the object, in the boundary layer, are no air bubbles. In the same year the existence of the boundary layer, even in the absence of fluid flow motion, was revealed. The boundary layer was characterized that the number of its physical parameters of water was significantly different from the number of parameters of volumetric water, i.e., at the distance from the object surface. In particular, if suspension of some substance was taken, the boundary layer manifested itself in, when approaching the surface, in a water volume unit the amount of micro-bubbles and solid particles sharply decreased; near the very surface they were absent. This experiment was repeated in 2005 by the American professor J. Pollack, also having recorded non-linear change in the electrical potential when approaching the surface [8]. Analyzing the experimental data, obtained in CAHI, it has been found out that according to a variety of physical parameters the parietal water of the boundary layer (hereinafter boundary water) is very close to the internal body fluid parameters of a human. This fact, discovered in the late 80s, was the starting point in the research of the boundary water phenomenon, the result of which was the possible discovery, as well as the emergence of a bio-physical model of a living organism, which not only explains the enormous amount of experimental data, accumulated by scientists, but also allows to predict the results of research.

“The boundary layer theory” is a fundamental section of the mechanics of fluids and gas and as a scientific discipline has been existing since 1904, when the first boundary layer equations were published. The fact that the boundary layer behaves almost like an autonomous object has been already known for a long time, the fact that the physical parameters of the water in a living organism are different from the volumetric water – too. The experimental fact remained unclear: “Why are these water parameters in the boundary layer and within a living organism were very close?”. This main question was answered on the basis of the presentation of the discovery and a biophysical model of a living organism, formulated as a series of hypotheses and consequences, based on the experimental data.


Director IIIP __________

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